
Changing your username on the Technicolour DGA0122 router

How to change your username on the DGA0122 Router


Before starting you will need a note of your internet username and password.  When you first applied for service this would have been sent to you as part of the set up activity for your order.  If you are unable to locate this then call our support centre and we can provide it to you.


For reference, username formats may look like this:



Step 1. - Connect to Router via WiFi or with LAN cable supplied.


Step 2. -  Open your internet browser, you can use any browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.  You may be presented with an error message when you first open the browser because you are not online; ignore this and click in the long address bar at the top.


Step 3. - Delete whatever is in there (most likely your usual home page address for example and type the following - and then click enter.


Step 4. - You should then get the Technicolor screen below. 

                                                                                         Click sign in button shown below



Step 5. – Use the following details to sign in with:

Login: admin

Password: this will be an access or gateway key and you can find this on the bottom of your router on a white label.  Enter this key as your password.





Step 6. -  Once logged in you will be presented with a menu page like the image below. 

Click on the system info section.



Step 7. – You will be presented with the screen below, scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on Setup your Gateway




Step 8. - Select Connection Type and remove the setup username and enter the correct username credentials.  Click Save.


Step 9. – Finally, make sure VLAN is switched off and click Save


That’s it, you’re finished.  You should now be able to connect to the internet once more!

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