
Fixing fibre broadband problems

The good news is that the vast majority of factors adversely affecting broadband speed occur in and around the home and can be solved quickly, cheaply and easily by you.

Please following the steps below and with a little time and effort, you should start achieving speeds closer to those that your line will allow. 

Check Your Equipment

  1. Make sure the Router is turned on and it has lights.
  2. Check the router is connected to the Fibre Unit (Genexis ONT)
  3. Try turning the Fibre Unit off (remove/reinsert black power lead) and waiting 30 seconds before turning it back on and do the same with the Router.

 Checking the Fibre Unit (Genexis)

  1. Check the Fibre Unit is turned on and has lights on the left hand side
  2. If you find you have no lights please make sure the power cable is plugged into the top right hand corner and the electric socket is turned on.

As a last resort before calling us to report a fault, you can try doing a factory reset. Please note that if you have changed your WiFi name or password a reset will revert back to the default settings. We would only recommend this for routers that have been provided by Sure, branded Technicolor.

Insert a pin or paper clip into the back of the router in the reset button for 10 seconds. 

This will erase corrupt information that may have collected in the settings of your router/modem.

Slow Speed

  1. Make sure your equipment does not have any viruses – use anti-virus software to keep it clean.
  2. Learn how to turn off apps when they are not in use on your devices, as these can perform updates which can slow it down.
  3. Turn off other devices that are not in use and may be competing for bandwidth on the same broadband connection.  Think about all computers, Sky boxes, games consoles, tablets, phones and even Smart TV’s.
  4. Is it a busy time?  Evenings and weekends are popular times for everyone to want to be online.  This increased traffic can affect the speed on some of the websites you want to access.  You could try plugging in an Ethernet cable instead of using WiFi during busy times.

If you are still experiencing issues after checking all of the above we will arrange for an engineer visit, this may incur charges. You can contact us by phone on 0808 1015247 or by emailing

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