
Viewing your bills online - all you need to know

It's now quick and easy to view your bills for the last 12 months online with My Sure.

Not only can you see the bills in full you can also see the itemisation for each bill at no extra charge.

And you can see what your bill is so far, using the "unbilled usage" or itemisation tab.



Here you can look for itemisation for one or more numbers on your account and filter this between local on-net usage and roaming usage.  You can filter your data between billed and unbilled and by usage type making it easier to find what you are looking for.  You can also export your data to a CSV file if you wish.  




There is also a handy chart in the 'Data Usage' tab showing your mobile data usage over a rolling 12 month period and the last 30 days making it easy to track your usage over time.






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