
Costs Associated with Moving Your Sure Services

Please be aware that, in some instances, there may be charges attached to moving your telephone line with Sure.  For instance:

  • If you need a new line to be installed (normally for a new build), with engineering work from JT involved, this will cost £138.60 


  • If the line in your new property is being re-activated but no engineers are required at the property, this will cost £52.60.  This charge covers the cost of an JT engineer “call out” to the nearest exchange to complete the re-connection. 


  • Moving your Broadband service is £15.72


  • If your line just needs a straight swap from JT to Sure, there is a charge of £15.72 to move the broadband, the landline move is FREE.


  • Moving the Fibre (Genexsys) box from its existing location is chargeable at standard engineering rates - £60.00 for call out and first 30 mins, £30 per each 30 mins after.


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