
Accessing Voicemail whilst abroad

Accessing your voicemail while abroad is different to accessing it when at home and requires additional security for your protection. You may also pay for receiving a voicemail because the call needs to be forwarded to you wherever you are.

To access your voicemail:

  • Dial +44 (0) 1481 700000   
  • Enter your full mobile number
  • Enter your PIN

You need to set your voicemail box PIN by accessing the voicemail options through your mobile phone before travelling.  Dial the shortcode 171 and select the voice prompt option to configure security settings.

Please note: You will be charged to call your voicemail whilst roaming.


As the voicemail system effectively forwards calls to the Sure platform you will be charged for this forwarded call (i.e. when you are left a message). You will also be charged for the receipt of the call (unless you have the Call and Text Booster) and you will also be charged for listening to the message. 

Please note: Even if the caller does not leave a message you are still charged for the re-routing to the voicemail platform.

To prevent any charges switch off voicemail whilst roaming.

Dial ##004# to disable voicemail conditionally i.e. only diverts when busy, out of reach or don’t answer.

You will see a message on your handset that says “call forwarding conditionally erase successful”. 

Dial **004*171# when you return to re-activate voicemail whilst in the Sure network, which is free of charge.

You will see a message on your handset that says “call forwarding conditionally registration was successful”.

We recommend storing these numbers within your mobile phonebook or quick dial numbers so that voicemail can be activated and de-activated quickly and conveniently when you want to switch voicemail off and on.

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