
Windows guide

Each Windows phone will vary slightly but most Windows phones will follow similar processes.

Here are a few key pointers for your Windows phone. Please click on the links below to get information on the following:

Mobile Internet for Windows
Setting up your Internet for Windows is as follows:

  1. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > Access Point > Add (or +)
  2. Enter Sure Internet as the Connection name.
  3. If available, choose default as the Data type.
  4. Enter Internet as the Access Point Name.
    Tap on the Save Icon.
    Tap OK.
    Tap on Sure Internet to activate it as the default APN.

Your settings have been saved and are ready for use


Text messaging (SMS) for Windows
Most modern phones are automatically configured to send standard SMS texts but if you are having problems receiving texts or you have reset your phone, you may be able to input the message centre number manually. Check your phone's manual or website for correct instructions. The process is usually similar to this:

  1. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > scroll right and select applications> messaging
  2. Scroll to bottom of screen
  3. Touch SMS centre number (this should be set to +447781 001 003)
  4. Tap on the Save Icon

Voicemail for Windows
Please click here which will take you to our voicemail section - here, you will find a short set of instruction to setting up your mobile on the network.

There is also a set of settings in the phone which can be accessed as follows:

  1. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > scroll right and select applications> phone

Controlling Data usage for Windows
If you don't have a large/unlimited data plan, you may be looking for ways to reduce your data usage. Here are some tips that can help you do that.

  1. Where possible always use WiFi (On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > WiFi)
  2. Data Sense helps you monitor your cellular data usage, see which apps are using the most data, and find more efficient ways to use the data you have. Plus you can set it to help reduce the amount of cellular data you use. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > scroll right and select applications> data sense
  3. Limit your background tasks - here you can choose which apps can work in the background while you’re not using them. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > scroll right and select applications> background task

Roaming for Windows
Roaming rates apply for data use when not on the Sure network. Due to the amount we are charged by other operators, data use while abroad can be very expensive. If you have your phone set to automatically receive and send emails, update applications or otherwise connect to the internet, it is recommended that you turn these features off when you are abroad to avoid large roaming charges. You can do this by turning off data access on your phone.

Here are just a few ways for Window users to control data access when away from home:

  1. Where possible, always use WiFi (On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > WiFi)
  2. Limit your background tasks - here you can choose which apps can work in the background while you’re not using them. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > scroll right and select applications> background task
  3. Bar Data roaming. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > mobile network> press data roaming option
    This option stops data while roaming but will still allow you to use your phone for calls and texts
  4. Turn off Data connection. On the Home screen, scroll right and select Settings > mobile network> press data connection option
    This option stops data fully, even on the Sure network but will still allow you to use your phone for calls and texts.

Need more information?
If you should require more details, please visit the manufacturer's website or another useful site is 

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